China: Mao's Legacy Crack

The Chinese state newspaper Global Times is warning authors of danmei, a majority female-written genre of online gay fiction, which communist government officials have banned; they are offering digital currency in exchange for reporting the “vulgar” content.

  • Chinese President Xi Jinping has sought to make the party more central in every day life, echoing Mao Zedong’s edict that the party leads everything - “east, west, south, north and center.”.
  • The city’s core was dominated by foreigners, a legacy of China’s troubled past. The International Settlement was ruled by a British-dominated Municipal Council, hard-headed businessmen whose.

Global Times approaches the topic from an economic standpoint, noting that outlets that have had success publishing danmei fear that they will no longer be able to profit from the content, as foreign distributors interested in buying the fiction now fear running afoul of the Chinese government.

Mao Zedong Sparrow

Mao Zedong (/ ˈ m aʊ (d) z ə ˈ d ʊ ŋ /; Chinese: 毛泽东; December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976), also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People's Republic of China (PRC), which he ruled as the chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976.

“I was in the process of selling the adaptation rights of some of our novels and even considered bringing in investors to expand the platform. The investors initially showed great interest but after the release of the two regulations last week, they got cold feet,” an anonymous owner of a danmei website told the government-controlled outlet.

The crackdown is part of a larger censorship system debuting last week. According to the Times, “The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) made public a guideline that says all online literary platforms will be assessed annually on an 100-point scale, of which 30 points will be dedicated to ‘value guidance and style of thought.'”

All works of fiction must now “reflect core socialist values and abide by moral norms.”

“The regulation demands that up to 20 points be attributed to whether the platform has provided enough literary works that reflect core socialist values,” the report added, noting that the grossest violations of “value guidance” would be any content that questions or challenges China’s communist system (“serious political error”).

SAPPRFT also unveiled a new initiative in which all movie theaters in China must screen communist propaganda before the beginning of films. Television outlets must now also broadcast at least seventeen “propagandistic drama series approved by the government” each.

While typically reflecting the Chinese government’s party line and regurgitating belligerent state propaganda against the United States, the Global Times has printed comments from individuals referring to homosexuality as “normal and natural, if only present among “a small group of people.” That remark, from a sexologist, came in response to new online censorship from the China Netcasting Services Association (CNSA), which banned “pornography and vulgar tastes including abnormal sexual relations such as incest, homosexuality, and sexual abuse, as well as unhealthy views on marriage such as sexual freedom and wife swapping.”

Communist dictatorships have traditionally abused the rights of their LGBT citizens, placing them in labor camps or executing them for their “counter-revolutionary” behavior. China is no different; while there are no known statistics on the number of LGBT individuals killed or imprisoned under Mao Zedong, there is ample evidence of such abuse. China legalized homosexuality in 1997, but instances of “conversion therapy” abuses persisted.

Battle for shanghai

Danmei, the gay fiction genre in question in the Times article, consists of more than consensual adult gay activity, however. Many of the stories, the New York Timesreported in a 2014 story on the genre, involve abuse of men and father-son incest; though a high percentage of danmei authors are women, few of the characters created are. Some fantasies in question, the New York Times cites a scholar explaining, are meant to subconsciously “subvert the state.” The same year this profile surfaced, the Chinese government arrested over twenty women for participating in writing gay fiction online.

Mao Tse Tung Cultural Revolution


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China: Mao's Legacy Cracked

The crackdown on danmei is part of a broader initiative by President Xi Jinping to suppress any organic expressions of Chinese culture that the government cannot control and replace it with “socialist family values.” In December 2016, Xi delivered a speech calling for a “new trend toward socialist family values,” followed by a crackdown on dating television shows, online video that did not conform to “correct political and aesthetic standards,” and any media promoting “Western lifestyles.”