Escape To Moscow For Mac

David Mercer MacDougall, Ministry of Information (MoI) Hong Kong

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D M MacDougall 1904 - 1991

David MacDougall was on his second tour of duty in the Colony. He was posted back to the Colony as the Director of the Ministry of information when hostilities in Europe began.
Moscow In Shaoguan (Kukong) the local mission doctor operated on Mac unsuccessfully, and he was then flown, along with other members of the escape party to Chungking for debriefing. The arrival of Cmdr Hugh Montague RN (Rtrd), Police Supt Bill Robinson of the Indian Police Intelligence unit, Captain Peter Macmillan, Captain Reginald (Freddie) Guest, Sq-Ldr Max Oxford, all staff officers of HKBHQ, David MacDougall, and Edwin (Ted) Ross both of the Ministry of Information in the early hours made the British national and regional press the same day 15th January 1942.

It was widely believed among his fellow escapees that Mac was an inteligence officer, Mac denied that he had any connections with the inteligence services.

Mac also declined an offer of $2000 by the US press for an exclusive account of the escape.

Left: The Gloucester Building where MacDougall moved his office to during the Battle for Hong Kong

Photo from the Collingwood family collection ©

David MacDougall MoI : 'In Chungking there was a great deal that I was in duty bound to do – address meetings, give interviews to the press, and write articles. One of the latter is I think being syndicated in U.S.A. by the N.A.N.A. I could have cashed in to the tune of $2000 or more if I’d accepted some of the American offers for my story. Cables kept coming in. I refused them all out of hand; somehow I couldn’t think of cashing in on the situation with all my friends shut up in that terrible predicament.'[26]

He also declined a lucrative salary package to stay in Chungking and Calcutta.

David MacDougall MoI : 'The Ambassador is being transferred to Moscow as you will have seen but he is very anxious for me to stay on in Chungking on my own terms. My own ideas are to get transferred temporarily to London and then re-assigned in due course to one of the W. Indian colonies where we could be together. I could get a very large salary here – but I feel I want a change.'[26]

Mac flew out from Chungking on Sunday 25th January to the Canadian run 'West China Union University Hospital' at Chengtu in Szechwan Province. After locating the bullet by Xrays they operated the following day.

David MacDougall MoI : 'I arrived a week ago, just as soon as I could get away from Chungking where I had so many friends, functions and blah-blah to compete with. Unluckily the plane was delayed 3 days and I had an extra dose of everything;
As soon as I arrived here I got a decent X-ray on me (various doctors on the way to Chungking had probed unsuccessfully for the bullet) and they found the bullet under the left shoulder blade, jinking about among my ribs. It had smashed through the shoulder blade and was fairly deeply embedded. They operated last Monday (26th Jan) but failed after two and a half hours to get the bullet. But there was no infection and no puss and in the end they decided to leave it in, and sewed me up again. They say it won’t do any harm.
They are absolutely first class people – very highly paid Canadians. I had a hellish four days after the operation, and had to have a lot of morphia, but I’m all right now; am getting up part of the day and eating like a horse.
The doctor’s wife had me carried to her house and installed there, where I am writing this. I can’t tell you the kindness I have had here – it’s overwhelming and un repayable.' [26]

After convalescing at the Surgeons house Mac flew back to Chungking for a short period before leaving on the 20th February when Mac embarked on a ten day journey by air via Calcutta to Lagos, Nigeria, where he stayed with the Chief Colonial Secretary Alexander Grantham for several weeks before travelling on to London where he arrived in mid March.

Left: HMS Cornflower launch

Adm Chan Chak: 'The Danish steer man was the first one shot, then the engineer. MacDougall and others were wounded. Most of the stray bullets had hit the boat and even some had hit my helmet.
Hsu was very wary about me the “One Foot Admiral of 50” swimming such a far distance.
I insisted to carry my own gun and passport. Yeung could not swim and he suggested that we should go back to Hong Kong. “Going back means surrender. I would rather die!” I said.
I took off my life preserver (which was the last one on board) and gave it to Yeung. As I raised my hand, a stray bullet went right through my left hand.
Yeung didn’t say anything anymore, he just jumped into the sea, followed by MacDougall with his wounded back.
YeeSiu-Kee and 2 other British soldiers had to remain on the boat. Yee could not swim and the 2 soldiers were badly wounded.
We were all sitting ducks in the water and non-stop bullets were flying everywhere.
I finally swam ashore on the small island right next to Apliechau.'

Left: Photo from Maj Goring's daring-do article on the escape published in 1949. [17]

Along with S.K. were two severely wounded volunteer crew left in the boat, the tall forty seven year old Jutlander, Alec (Alexis) Damsgaard, late Master of the C.S. Store Nordiske, & Sub-Lt J. J. Forster HKRNVR from Northern Ireland. After drifting all night S.K. bribed a junk man to take the two wounded to a hospital.

S.K. Yee: 'I put the two others on a junk, asking the fishermen to take them to a hospital on the mainland (Hong Kong).
I was kept some days at Pak Sha wan and subsequently I had to return to the church at Apliechau, which was under the Reverend Cheng. I took shelter at the church for some days before making my final escape to Free China.'

Of the sixteen who set out on board the launch of 'HMS Cornflower' (II), two were killed, one taken prisoner, another made good his own escape while the remaining twelve made it to the MTB's.

S.K, wearing Hsu Heng (Henry)'s shoes and clutching his bible, sought refuge with the Reverend Cheng in the Harbour Mission Church on Ap Lei Pai opposite Aberdeen. He eventually made his way to Kukong in free China where Chan Chak was still recovering. SK arrived on 5th February 1942 still wearing Hsu Heng (Henry)'s shoes, only to leave two days later as mysteriously as he had arrived after falling out with Chan over the allegedly missing $40.000 (£2,500 GBP) They remained bitter opponents for the rest of Chan's life.


Back row: Supt. Bill Robinson, W. O. William M Wright HKRNVR, Capt. Peter Macmillan R. A., Capt. Reginald Guest 1st Mdsx, Coxswain Yeung Chuen ROC, Ted Ross MoI>

2nd row: David MacDougall MoI, Adm Chan Chak ROC, Major Arthur Goring Probyns Horse, Sq-Ldr. Max Oxford RAF

1st row: Cadet Holger Christensen, Lt-Cmd Hsu Heng (Henry) ROC.

Photo from Chan Chak collection ©

The four who were wounded, killed, captured or escaped seperately

Alexis Damsgaard wounded POW. JJ Forster died of wounds. D Harley wounded/drowned. SK Yee escaped seperately

Admiral Chan Chak and David MacDougall revisited Aberdeen together on Sunday 26th May 1946 and reminisced over their incredible Christmas Day escape five years earlier.

6th January 1942 Kukong, Shaoguan

Left: British & Chinese senior officers in the Welcoming Ceremony

Photo fron the Chan Chak family collection ©

Deputy Commander General Jiang Guangnai, David MacDougall, Commander Hugh Montague RN, C-in-C General Yu Hanmou, Adm Chan Chak, Lt-Colonel Harry Owen-Hughes, and Chief of Staff General Wang Jun at at Binlu, Shaoguan (Kukong) 6th January 1942.

Translation by Chi Man KWONG. Research Assistant Professor, History Department, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Admiral Chan Chak kept the bullet removed from his left wrist, and had it mounted on a gold chain to wear on his lapel as a permanent reminder of his incredible escape from Hong Kong. After the war Chan became the first post war Mayor of Canton.

David was educated at Perth Academy and St Andrews University where he graduated with an M. A. in 1930. He was the Perth Academy sports champion three times. In 1931 he sailed to Hong Kong as a Cadet with the Colonial Service, returning to London at the beginning of the European hostilities. He later went back to Hong Kong as Secretary to the Far Eastern Bureau of the Ministry of Information. [92]

Left: Admiral Chan Chak with Commander Montague RN (Ret), Lt-Col Harry Owen-Hughes, David MacDougall, Ted Ross and Lt-Cmd Henry Hsu arriving in Kukong, Shaoguan, 6th January 1942

Photo IWM ©

The Ministry of Information (MoI) was a Government department to maintain public morale through the use of publicity and propaganda via the media. Home intelligence was a department within the MoI used to observe the public and monitor their mood, gathering intelligence from the likes of shop keepers, publicans, clergymen, shop stewards, as well as G.Ps, letter opening and phone tapping. The MoI also produced propaganda films for public showing. Adm Chan Chak and his liaison party were brought in to work with Mac in keeping the majority Chinese population onboard.

In 1944 Mac was appointed head of the Hong Kong Planning Unit within the authority of the Colonial Office. The unit was eventually incorporated into the armed forces as civil affairs staff, and MacDougall given the rank of Brigadier. Thus began a game of political chess with the Americans and Chinese for the restoration of British Sovereignty in post war Hong Kong as the prize.

He returned to Hong Kong on the 7th September 1945 as Brigadier Colonial Secretary in time to witnessed the official Japanese surrender to Adm Harcourt in Government House on the 16th September.

Left: Brigadiier Clonial Secretary David MacDougall, (arrowed) standing next to Lt.-Colonel Lindsay Ride, with Brigadiier Francis Wogan Festing (Frontline Frankie), C-in-C Hong Kong 1945-46 & again 1949, standing next but one, MacDougall returned as Brigadier Colonial Secretary 7th September 1945 and witnessed Maj.-Gen. Umekichi Okada and Vice Admiral Ruitaro Fujita sign the instrument of surrender in Government House 16th September 1945 to British officers led by Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser, 1st Baron Fraser of North Cape, sitting extreme left. At the table L-R are Major-General Pan Hwa Kuei ROC, Rear Adm Cecil Harcourt, Colonel Adrian Williams, US Army and Captain W B Creery Royal Canadian Navy..

Photo from the MacDougall family ©

Civil administration was restored when H.E. Sir Mark Young was sworn in on the 1st May 1946 and military administration under Vice Admiral Sir Cecil Harcourt disolved. Mac remained in his position as Colonial Secretary.

Escape to moscow for machu picchu

Mac remained in Hong Kong from 1945 - 1949, with a brief period as acting Governor after Mark Aitchison Young (楊慕琦) from 17th May through 25th Jul 1947 when Alexander William George Herder Grantham took office as the 22nd Governor of Hong Kong.

David MacDougall, Admiral Chan Chak C-in-C ROC (former Mayoy of Canton)

and Wing Commander Max Oxford in June 1946

Photo from the Oxford collection ©

Mac had very strong views on how Hong Kong should be run, and was not at all comfortable with Colonialism, refusing to acquire a sword or uniform. As well as achieving academically he excelled at sports winning awards for Golf, Rugby, and tennis. He was an ardent reader of the Polish author Joseph Conrad which inspired him to travel. He was a modest man and learnt Cantonese fluently and a little Mandarin which put him in good stead for his post-war office as Brigadier Colonial Secretary of Hong Kong.
Mac remained good friends with Admiral Chan Chak, the former President of the Southern Kuomintang Nationalists party (KMT) and now the first post war Mayor of Canton. Max Oxford returned to Hong Kong as Deputy Director of Kai Tak airport.

Admiral Harcourt was head of the military administration with MacDougall looking after the civil side. Mac was responsible to Harcourt ‘on matters which the Admty’ or War Office had an interest and to ‘the Secretary of State for the Colonies with regard to other matters.’

He quickly restored the administration in Hong Kong to a level of efficiency that made it the most shining example of all the territories liberated from the Japanese. David changed the administration from the pre-war British colonial ruling class system to a very much Chinese integrated administration which led to the eventual handing back of Hong Kong to China in 1997.

Escape To Moscow For Macedonia

Members of the Christmas Day escape who returned to help rebuild the Colonony of Hong Kong after its return to British control in 1945 included

  • David MacDougall Returned on 7th September 1945 as Brigadier Colonial Secretary with the Military Administration. Mac took early retirement in 1949 to take up farming in Suffolk, East Anglia, UK.
  • Ted Ross Returned briefly with the British Military Mission before going on to Japan in 1946 where he worked closely with Douglas MacArther's administration. Ted returned to Hong Kong in 1951 following a year long round the world honeymoon with his bride, staying untill 1965.
  • S K Yee Returned with the British Military Mission before going into banking then forming the S.K. Yee Medical Foundation
  • Lt-Cmd Henry Hsu ROC Returned after retiring as Vice Admiral ROC, in business then became an international hotelier based in Hong Kong
  • Colonel Harry Owen-Hughes Returned to work in D M MacDougall's administration & as Commandant of the post war HKVDC
  • Lt Arthur Pittendrigh Returned to HK in 1945 to command the Maritime Police Service with the rank of Colonel.
  • Lt Tommy Parsons Returned to Jardine Matheson's
  • Sub-Lt Arthur Gee Returned as night editor of The China Mail
  • Sq-Ldr Max Oxford RAF Returned in mid October 1945 as Deputy Director of Kai Tak International Airport
  • F W (Mike) Kendall Returned working for the Philippines Airline and was based in both HK and Manila
  • Monia (John) Talan Returned to run a travel business before going into laundry.
  • Colin McEwan Returned as Director of physical education
  • Guerrilla leader Leung Wingyuen was appointed as Colonel Advisor in the Chan Chak administration in Canton. [6]
  • Admiral Chan Chak was appointed to be the first post-war Mayor of neighbouring Canton on 1st April1945. The following year he resigned to become the first post war C-in-C South China Navy. [6][85]

The SOE escape team

Mike Kendall

Colin McEwan

Escape To Moscow For Macbook Pro

[John] Monia Talan

Lt-Colonel Harry Owen Hughes returned to Hong Kong on the 12th September 1945 as part of David MacDougall's civil admin team. Harry also Commanded the post war Hong Kong Volunteer Defense Corps.

Photo from the MacDougall family collection ©

David MacDougall with the Chan & Hsu families in Hong Kong 1969

'David retired from the Colonial Service and farmed in Suffolk until the late 1960s. Latterly he divided his time between East Anglia and Scotland, and passed away in Strathtay, very close to his home town of Perth, in May 1991 at the age of 86.”

Research and web publication by Buddy Hide Jnr ©

The contents of this web site led to a considerable number of escapee families contacting me and now each other, and remains the principle source of contact and private information for the spin off projects that have followed. The personal accounts enabled me to record the complete and true account of this remarkable episode of Sino-British war time co-operation. The information compiled here has directly resulted in a museum exhibition in Hong Kong, a re-enactment of the escape in Hong Kong and China, with a movie drama and documentary in the making.

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© Hong Kong 2019

Season 4
StarringDavid James Elliott
Catherine Bell
Patrick Labyorteaux
John M. Jackson
Karri Turner
Trevor Goddard
Country of originUnited States
No. of episodes24
Original networkCBS
Original releaseSeptember 22, 1998 –
May 25, 1999
Season chronology
Season 5
List of JAG episodes

The fourth season of JAG premiered on CBS on September 22, 1998, and concluded on May 25, 1999. The season, starring David James Elliott and Catherine Bell, was produced by Belisarius Productions in association with Paramount Television.


Marine Major Sarah 'Mac' MacKenzie (Catherine Bell), a Duke graduate, and Lieutenant Commander Harmon 'Harm' Rabb Jr. (David James Elliott), a former naval aviator, work at the Headquarters of the Judge Advocate General, the internal law firm of the Department of the Navy which investigates, prosecutes and defends cases under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

This season, Harm and Mac are assumed dead following an altercation with a Russian fighter pilot ('Gypsy Eyes'), however after punching out of their plane before impact, they begin a journey to uncover the truth about Harm's father. Later, Harm and Mac head several investigations including an undercover operation at an embassy ('Embassy'), the suspected rape of a Japanese national ('Innocence'), an escape from a VA hospital ('The Martin Baker Fan Club'), an execution on national television ('Act of Terror'), and a pilot who defied direct orders after hearing the voice of God ('Angels 30'). Meanwhile, Bud (Patrick Labyorteaux) is promoted to Lieutenant ('The Adversaries'), Harriet Sims (Karri Turner) is promoted to Lieutenant J.G. ('Rivers' Run'), Mac's 'little sister' Chloe (Mae Whitman) arrives at JAG shortly before Christmas ('Jaggle Bells'), Rear Admiral A.J. Chegwidden (John M. Jackson) rescues his daughter from the Italian Mafia ('Going After Francesca'), and Royal Australian Navy Commander Mic Brumby (Trevor Goddard) arrives in the United States as an exchange officer ('Mr. Rabb Goes to Washington'). Also this season, Harm receives combat orders and departs JAG ('Goodbyes'), Mac and Harm make a pact to have children together ('Yeah, Baby'), and both Clayton Webb (Steven Culp) and Admiral Chegwidden heads to Italy to rescue a common mentor from captivity ('Soul Searching').


During this season the production team filmed partially on location in Washington, D.C. for scenes for a few episodes with the main characters.[1] By this point, the United States Navy was now enthusiastic about its support to the series, 'We treated JAG the way we would any other production,' according to Captain Ron Morse at Navy Office of Information West, the Los Angeles-based liaison office with the entertainment industry, 'We look at the scripts, the principal characters and how they respond to the situations they're presented.' And both Harm and Mac was clearly to their liking, '[t]hey're attractive, smart, dedicated individuals who behave the way naval officers should and know what they're doing.' In summation, '[w]e found JAG to reflect well on the Navy.'[1]

This season also advertised the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, while the telephone number 1-800-The-Lost was featured in the closing credits of the season finale, 'Goodbyes'.


During its fourth season, JAG's ratings were 'up 11 percent in households, 8 percent in adults 18-49 and 10 percent in adults 25-54' when compared to the third season, positioning the series as the fourteenth most watched show in household ratings in the United States.[2]

Michael Kilian in Chicago Tribune opined that at this point in the series, in contrast to JAG's first more action oriented season, 'the scripts have become much more intelligent and the stories more realistic, sophisticated and personal' and that the series had 'carved itself a niche in the viewing audience' as the 'numerous fan Internet sites attest.'[1]

Cast and characters[edit]


  • David James Elliott as Harmon Rabb Jr., Lieutenant Commander
  • Catherine Bell as Sarah MacKenzie, Major in the Marine Corps.
  • Patrick Labyorteaux as Bud Roberts, Lieutenant J.G. (later, Lieutenant)
  • John M. Jackson as A. J. Chegwidden, Rear Admiral

Also starring[edit]

  • Karri Turner as Harriet Sims, Ensign (later, Lieutenant J.G.)
  • Trevor Goddard as Mic Brumby, Lieutenant Commander, RAN


  • Paul Collins as Alexander Nelson, Secretary of the Navy
  • W.K. Stratton as Theodore Lindsey, Commander
  • Sibel Galindez as Elizabeth Hawkes, 'Skates', Lieutenant
  • Steven Culp as Clayton Webb, CIA Agent
  • Chuck Carrington as Jason Tiner, Petty Officer
  • Harrison Page as Stiles Morris, Rear Admiral
  • Claudette Nevins as Porter Webb, NSA Agent
  • Michael Bellisario as Michael Roberts
  • Anne-Marie Johnson as Roberta Latham, Congresswoman
  • Dana Sparks as Carolyn Imes, Commander
  • Rex Linn as Mark Falcon, KBG Agent
  • Mae Whitman as Chloe Maddison


No. in
TitleDirected byWritten byOriginal air dateProd.
US viewers
621'Gypsy Eyes Part II'Tony WharmbyDonald P. BellisarioSeptember 22, 199806415.60
Conclusion. With a voice-over, Harm updates the viewer on his search for his father up to the previous episode. The Russians claim Harm and Mac died while on a demo ride in a MIG-29. The truth is they punched out before the plane was hit by an air-to-air missile. They encounter a Gypsy brother and sister, Vasya (Eric Zivot) and Rusza (Natasha Pavlovich), who take them by wagon to a train station and dress them up as gypsies. Rusza has a vision in which Russian soldiers rape her and kill Harm before he can save her. Harm is convinced the vision will not come true. At the train station, before Harm and Mac can get on the train to Beloyka, they are detected by Falcon (Rex Linn). After some hesitation, they decide to trust him and let him take them back to Moscow, where they find Admiral Chegwidden, Clayton Webb and Alexei (Allan Kolman), who is in fact a double agent most loyal to the CIA, because they pay him the best. Harm and Mac finally arrive in Svischevo, where they meet a woman who cared for Harmon Rabb Sr. after he escaped from Vorkuta. The woman tells a story which is the same as Rusza's vision, except with Harm Sr. instead of Harm Jr., and herself instead of Rusza. The woman says Harm Sr. died and was buried in an unmarked grave in the Taiga.
632'Embassy'Alan J. LeviR. Scott GemmillSeptember 29, 199806314.40[3]
Harm and Mac aids Clayton Webb in an undercover CIA investigation during a reception held at the Sudanese embassy in Washington, D.C., which later on becomes a life-or-death struggle when a rebel group seizes the building with Harm and Mac trapped inside, along with an influential Sudanese intellectual, Professor Dubotu (Bennet Guillory), who has been kidnapped. Mac is taken hostage. Harm learns that what looks like a terrorist takeover is a masquerade that has been engineered by crooked Sudanese Ambassador Moshak (Vincent Riotta). Harm manages to communicate to the outside through the live news feeds by using Morse code while intentionally failing to light a cigar. Nevertheless, Ambassador Moshak has in his possession vials of Ebola. Bud notices that Harriet seems to be suffering from more than just flu symptoms.
643'Innocence'Tony WharmbyDana CoenOctober 6, 199806210.30
The episode starts with a softball game with JAG HQ versus the Navy Chaplains, however a delicate situation with respect to US - Japan relations prompts Admiral Chegwidden to send Harm, Mac and Bud to Japan. Ensign Terry Guitry (Sean Murray) is accused of raping a Japanese woman, and the case is made even more difficult by off-the-cuff comments to the press from the commanding officer of the defendant (Muse Watson). Harm and Mac must struggle with both the Japanese legal system (the disparities between Japanese and American courtroom procedures make for a culture clash) and reluctant witnesses to clear the young man who has a life imprisonment sentence awaiting him if he is found guilty.
654'Going After Francesca'Alan J. LeviStephen ZitoOctober 13, 199806510.80
After Admiral Chegwidden's daughter, Francesca (Giuliana Santini), is kidnapped in Rome, Italy, Chegwidden meets with his ex-wife, Marcella (Barbara Carrera), and her husband, a wealthy Italian businessman, to get more background on Francesca's friends and enemies. Chegwidden learns that Francesca was seriously involved with the heir to a Mafia family. A Navy chief warrant officer (Steve Rankin) faces a court-martial for stealing five Stinger missiles illegally resold to Iran, which may have something to do with the kidnapping. All leads points to the fact that Francesca is caught in the middle of a business deal gone awry, and now it's up to Chegwidden and Harm to rescue her.
665'The Martin Baker Fan Club'Tony WharmbyDana CoenOctober 20, 19980669.90
Psychotic Vietnam war veteran Roscoe Martin (Kevin Conway), withholds anti-psychotic medication from a fellow patient in a war-stress recovery unit at a VA hospital, and after the patient leaps out a window during a subsequent hallucination, a second-degree murder charge is leveled at Martin, and Harm takes on the case pro bono. Disappointed with the direction of the case, Roscoe feels that the cards are stacked against him and engineers an escape from the VA hospital with three other patients. Their escape takes them to Harm's apartment, and a negotiable situation turns deadly when guns are drawn and a SWAT team swoops in to help with what it sees as a hostage situation.
676'Act of Terror'Alan J. LeviLarry MoskowitzOctober 27, 199806715.52[4]
A misguided Marine Corps corporal shoots an arrested terrorist suspect live on national television. With Mac prosecuting, she and Harm are pitted against each other in the courtroom in what would seem like an open and shut case of cold-blooded murder. Harm is replaced by civilian defense attorney Juanita Ressler (Tina Lifford), Mac's former law professor from Duke who back then had claimed Mac would make a better lap dancer than attorney. As other discrepancies crop up, Harm decides to do some investigating of his own and begins to untangle a tangled web involving FBI special agent Marvin Novack (Shashawnee Hall) (who tried to get Harm convicted for murder last season in 'People v. Rabb') and he discovers that Juanita Ressler's high fees are being paid by the 'super-patriot' industrialist, Percival Bertram (Barry Corbin), with shady business ties to Saudi Arabia.
687'Angels 30'Tony WharmbyR. Scott GemmillNovember 3, 199806810.30
When an F-14 Tomcat pilot claims he heard the voice of God tell him not to fire on an attacking Iraqi plane, Harm and Mac are sent to investigate his claim. Despite the pilot's assertions that he heard God, Harm insists on finding a more scientific explanation. When Harm fails from the ground to discover the origination of the voice, he suggests that the pilot should duplicate his earlier mission to see what they can learn about the incident in the sky.
698'Mr. Rabb Goes to Washington Part I'Jeannot SzwarcStephen ZitoNovember 10, 199806911.40
Part 1 of 2.
ZNN star reporter Normal Delaporte (Barry Jenner) claims to have evidence that U.S. troops used chemical weapons against expatriate Americans during the Gulf War. Harm is assigned to assist Congresswoman Bobbi Latham (Anne-Marie Johnson) in a House Subcommittee on National Security investigation into whether ZNN allegations are true. At the same time, Mac's ex-husband and ex-convict Chris Ragle (Joe Lando) shows up looking for money. Royal Australian NavyLieutenant Commander Mic Brumby (Trevor Goddard) joins the office as an exchange officer. It turns out the ZNN allegation was a sensationalist fraud, and Harm rhetorically asks why the public should believe ratings-driven reporters over ordinary service members who bears the real cost of war.
709'People v. Mac Part II'Tony WharmbyLarry MoskowitzNovember 17, 199807011.30
Part 2 of 2.
Chris Ragle (Joe Lando) is found dead in a hotel room and Mac faces trial on charges of murdering her estranged husband. Harm, representing Mac, and Mic Brumby, representing Mac's former CO and lover, Lieutenant Colonel John Farrow (Ben Murphy), clash when Mic's defense strategy places the blame on Mac. Farrow claims he deliberately killed Chris, while Mac claims that she killed Chris. Harm and Bud feels that neither defendant has come clean with the truth and they begin to search for hard evidence. The key witness in the case turns out to be a major surprise to both defendants, and he testifies that Mac accidentally killed Chris in self defense when he pulled a gun on her. Commander Ted Lindsey (W.K. Stratton) leads the prosecution and permanently alienates himself from the JAG HQ regulars.
7110'The Black Jet'Jeannot SzwarcDavid ZabelNovember 24, 199807116.06[5]
Harm and Mac's mission is to represent Navy test pilot, Harm's friend Lieutenant Commander Jack Keeter (Michael McGrady), whose carrier modified Stealth jet is thought to have crashed in Iran due to a mechanical failure, and is now facing trial for espionage. But when Keeter slips Harm a message indicating that the $80 million plane did not crash and is hidden, the assignment becomes nearly impossible: get the pilot, and the costly aircraft, back to the U.S. without letting the Iranians know that the plane is intact.
7211'Jaggle Bells'Greg BeemanR. Scott GemmillDecember 15, 199807211.10

Right before Christmas a snowstorm hits Washington, D.C. and JAG Headquarters is nearly empty. A sudden appearance by Mac's 'little sister', precocious preteen student Chloe Madison (Mae Whitman), keeps Mac busy trying to locate the absentee parents, as well as investigate her claims of abuse as she claims her stepfather is responsible for the bruise on her arm. Harm spends the evening with Navy psychiatrist Jordan Parker (Susan Haskell), accused of DUI. Mac's sister turns out to be the daughter of a sailor who she believed had died in the 1987 USS Stark incident. Admiral Chegwidden tries in vain to get a plane to Italy to see his daughter. After failing to get a commercial plane, Bud finally gets him a spot on a C-130.

[note 1]
7312'Dungaree Justice:Part I'Hugo CortinaDavid ZabelJanuary 12, 199907311.20
Part 1 of 2. A civilian bar owner is severely beaten by three sailors, who claim the man raped a female shipmate, Lopez. But it turns out that the man is actually impotent due to an injury he suffered in Vietnam. Harm and Mac eventually discover Lopez was left at the bar by herself, and that all the bar owner did was to take her to the backseat of her car, where she was later raped by one of her shipmates. The episode's last couple of minutes are a preview of the next episode.
7413'War Stories Part II'Greg BeemanDana CoenJanuary 13, 199907410.10
Conclusion. A hostage situation on the Balkans gone bad results in the SEAL team being blamed for their deaths. Mac and Bud are assigned to defend their team leader, Commander Risnicki, but Risnicki is wary of Bud's lack of experience. While on mandatory leave, and with Harm at the helm at JAG HQ, Admiral Chegwidden gets roped into the world of being a technical advisor for the film Field of Gold, which happens to be a Navy-themed action adventure with a court-martial...
7514'Webb of Lies'Mark HorowitzR. Scott GemmillFebruary 9, 199907510.70
When CIA Agent Clayton Webb is supposedly killed, Harm and Mac must once again face off with Clark Palmer (Peter Murnik), who is trying to acquire the high-tech Japanese weapons system Webb was carrying.
7615'Rivers' Run'Greg BeemanLarry MoskowitzFebruary 16, 199907611.60
When Lieutenant Curtis Rivers (Montel Williams) seemingly kills a 14-year-old boy during a training exercise in the Appalachian Mountains, Harm and Mac must defend him before a 'kangaroo court' of anti-government separatists. The Navy SEALs were diverted from their normal training ground in an effort by FBI special agent Al Grenin (Marty Rackham) to involve them in the hunt for fugitive Warren Toobin (Richard Speight Jr.). Harriet Sims is promoted to the grade of Lieutenant (junior grade).
7716'Silent Service'Alan J. LeviDana CoenFebruary 23, 199907711.10
A series of mishaps aboard a Navy submarine require a squabbling Harm and Mac to share very close quarters. But when the mishaps become fatal, the two put aside their differences and figure out who is trying to injure the crew. Harm figures out that it's the ship's chief medical officer, whose service record includes three incidents in which he cured relatively rare diseases.
7817'Nobody's Child'Tony WharmbyStephen ZitoMarch 2, 199907811.00
The unidentified body of a young girl strikes a nerve in Harm, and he pulls out all the stops to find out who she was and why someone killed her, as Harriet deals with her own emotions regarding the case. Bud is given his lawyer insignia. Harm and Lieutenant Commander Teresa Coulter (Trisha Yearwood) go to Maryland where they identify the dead girl and find her sister.[note 2]
7918'Shakedown'Alan J. LeviR. Scott GemmillMarch 30, 199907910.30
The installation of new systems on the aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea causes a blackout during combat operations and Harm and Mac are dispatched to investigate. Harm suspects the civilian hazmat technician Newman (David Graf), while Mac suspects another civilian technician, the electrician Yarbrough (Jack Conley). There is a big power outage and one million dollars are stolen from the ship's disbursing office in a joint plan by both men. Harm has a Navy psychiatrist examine the little girl he and Teresa Coulter (Trisha Yearwood) discovered in the previous episode.
8019'The Adversaries'Tony WharmbyStory by : Dana Coen and Larry Moskowitz
Teleplay by : Larry Moskowitz
April 13, 19990809.30
After being promoted, Bud's first case as an attorney is defending his father 'Big Bud' Roberts (Jeff MacKay) from charges of fraud and larceny, with Harm as the prosecutor. Bud Jr. gets the charges against his father dismissed at the Article 32 hearing, but out of court Harm orders Bud Sr. to never tell his son the truth and he won't either.[note 3]
8120'Second Sight'Terrence O'HaraDana CoenApril 27, 19990819.90
Mac has trouble dealing with her resentment for her father who is about to die at a Catholic hospice in California. Harm's civilian doctor tells him that he was misdiagnosed with night blindness and that his actual vision problem can be corrected with laser eye surgery. At the end, Mac's mother (Conchata Ferrell) shows up and tells her what she did after leaving her with her father.
8221'Wilderness of Mirrors'Alan J. LeviPaul LevineMay 4, 199908210.90
Former DSD Agent Clark Palmer (Peter Murnik) pretends to be Harm's father and makes him think he's hallucinating. Palmer kidnaps Jordan Parker (Susan Haskell). The Admiral enlists the help of Bud, Mac, and Mic while preparing to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court, with Bud acting as mock Chief Justice.
8322'Soul Searching'Jeannot SzwarcDonald P. BellisarioMay 11, 19990839.40
Admiral Chegwidden and Clayton Webb go to Italy to rescue Webb's mentor (who saved Chegwidden's life in Vietnam) from Italian terrorists who are going to sell him to Serbian extremists if they can't get him free in time. At home, Harm deals with the loss of his Corvette while Bud and Harriet shop for a family vehicle.
8423'Yeah, Baby'Alan J. LeviR. Scott GemmillMay 18, 199908410.10
Harm puts in his paperwork to return to flight status, and the SECNAV approves because he wants Harm out of Washington. Bud prosecutes a Marine sergeant who got herself pregnant by a subordinate, and she goes into labor at the same time as Harriet. On the steps of JAG HQ, Harm and Mac agree to come together for a child in 5 years if they're both still single.
8524'Goodbyes'Jeannot SzwarcStephen ZitoMay 25, 199908512.90
Charlie Lynch ( from 'Nobody's Child') resurfaces and threatens the twin sister of the girl he killed. Harm tracks Lynch down to a ship he used to serve on and gets him to release Dar-lin before killing him. After saying goodbye to the little girl, Harm returns to JAG where Chegwidden tells him he has orders for Florida and gives him one last chance to cancel those orders and stay at JAG. Harm declines and leaves, especially after receiving F-14 and NATOPS manuals from Lieutenant Elizabeth 'Skates' Hawkes (Sibel Ergener).

Escape To Moscow For Mac Os

See also[edit]


  1. ^The episode ends with the following message:
    'Happy Holidays
    Especially to the Men and
    Women of Our Armed Forces'
  2. ^The end of 'Nobody's Child' gives the phone number for the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse.
  3. ^This episode was dedicated to the memory of Edward S. Vance.


  1. ^ abcKilian, Michael (November 28, 1998). 'ON TARGET'. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved May 15, 2019.
  2. ^Pierce, Scott D (1998-12-14). 'NBC lives to regret axing 'JAG' And 'Raymond' finally turns into a real hit on CBS'. Retrieved 2020-04-06.
  3. ^'Nielsen ratings'. USA Today. Gannett Company. September 29, 1998. p. D3.
  4. ^'Dateline: Events/Week Of November 1, 1998 In News, Pop Culture, Tech, Celebrity, Entertainment & Fascinating Facts'. Mr. Pop Culture. Retrieved October 11, 2018.
  5. ^Braxton, Greg (December 2, 1998). 'CBS Scores KO With Sunday Punch, Other Shows'. The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved October 11, 2018.

Escape To Moscow For Machu Picchu

External links[edit]

  • Season 4 on IMDb
  • Season 4 on
  • Season 4 on TV Guide
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